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Carine Ruszniewski founded GoGoGo Films in 2018 after producing around twenty films with De Films en Aiguille. Among them, Free Angela and all political prisoners (Shola Lynch) set the tone for GoGoGo Films: a passion for reality, the political margins and international co-productions, a vision that puts us on the path of daring filmmakers, in touch with their time and keen to make it resonate. 


No matter the genre or format: we produce documentaries and fiction films, shorts and features, for cinema and television. We believe that genres have a lot to teach each other, and we let them rub off on each other.


So those who know us won't be surprised by our name. GoGoGo: 'no time to lose, we've got films on the go'. There's no question of letting screens big and small rest on their laurels. Especially not now...


Carine Ruszniewski


To say that she splits hairs is an understatement: from one film to the next, she can spend six months in editing and ten years in development. Fortunately, in the meantime, it's shooting!

As for the "be calm" hanging above her desk, we still wonders what it's for...


Louise Bansard

Development manager and Producer

Coffee-fuelled and a true all-rounder in production, she is a bit like our very own Lance Armstrong. She just prefers to go around the world rather than watch the Tour de France.


Charlotte Grosse

Production administrator

It is often believed that she prefers Excel tables to people. Well that's not true! It's just that she really, really likes Excel tables.


Clementine Peguin

Production assistant


Clementine has two passions in the office: writing and Picard bowls. Sometimes she has her keyboard in one hand and her fork in the other. In these cases, don't bother asking her about schedules or deliveries. She won't reply.


Clementine Peguin

Production assistant


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